Sunday, February 27, 2011

Certa lucu Kata kata yang membawa keberuntungan

Gita baru masuk SMU, masa-masa pubernya bikin dia centil dan suka ngerjain orang. Kali ini dia dapet kata-kata baru buat ngerjain orang. Hari pertama, dia nelepon temannya :

"Rin, gue udah tau semuanya !" "Hah.." Suara disana terdengar lemas."Ta, elu jangan bilang Indri kalo gue jalan sama cowoknya ya Ta. Gue ada voucher makan di HokBen, elu jangan bilang-bilang yah. Sori gue cuma bisa ngasih itu doang." "Okelah, gue sih terima aja, lu kan temen gue."

Begitu telepon ditutup, Gita langsung teriak girang. "Wah oke juga nih, gue dapet voucher HokBen !! Coba gue praktekin lagi." Kali ini Gita masuk kamar kakaknya dan langsung bicara pelan didekat kuping kakaknya yang lagi tiduran.

"Wer, gue udah tau semuanya. Ternyata gitu ya Wer." Dower langsung bangun, mengambil sebuah kunci dan berbisik pada Gita. "Ta, lu boleh pake mobil sebulan penuh plus gue kasih bensinnya. TApi jangan bilang Papi kalo gue nge-gele yah !!!"

"BEres. "

Gita benar-benar girang, kali ini dia mencegat Papinya yang baru pulangkerja. "Pah,." Gita mengejar Papinya yang cuek bebek "Pah, Gita mau ngomong." "Ada apa sih Ta ?!! Papa capek nih." "Gita udah tau semuanya Pah..." Mendadak PApanya celingukan, mengeluarkan HP dan menelepon seseorang

"Ta, Credit Card kamu udah Papa aktifkan lagi. Tapi !!! Jangan pernah bilang Mama soal si Astrid." Gita girang campur sebel. Ternyata Papanya menduakan Mama cuma demi pembantunya si Astrid

Gita langsung berlari tanpa sepatah katapun

Diluar, Gita bertemu Pak Udi, sopirnya yang sudah belasan tahun bekerja dirumahnya. Gita mulai usil lagi. Dia kesal juga, pasti dia tau soal si Astrid, tapi bungkam selama ini, gue kerjain juga nih, pikirnya.

"Pak !!!" Gita benar-benar membuat kaget sopirnya "Saya sudah tau semuanya."

Pak Udi terbengong, dan perlahan meneteskan airmata. Gita malah bingung.

"Gita !!! Peluklah Bapakmu ini Sayang. Akhirnya kau tahu juga Nak !"
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Portable Photoshop CS4

Photoshop merupakan software editing berbasis bitmap [pixel]. Photoshop ini merupakan perangkat lunak editor citra buatan Adobe Systems yang dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto/gambar dan pembuatan efek. Banyak digunakan oleh photographer serta perusahaan- perusahaan iklan, serta digemari oleh semua kalangan yang gandrung editing photo atau photo efek. Dapat kita jadikan andalan untuk mengedit photo serta hal- hal lainnya terutama untuk berkreatifitas, berimaginasi dalam sebuah karya.

Versi photoshop CS4 merupakan penyempurnaan dari versi- versi sebelumnya, yaitu versi 7, 8, 9 (CS2), 9(CS3). Photoshop memiliki kemampuan untuk membaca dan menulis gambar yang memiliki fotmat raster dan vektor, seperti .png, .jpeg, .gif, dan lain-lainnya. Format file photoshop adalah .PSD.
Untuk mendapatkan software ini, tentunya kita harus merogoh saku kita dengan mengeluarkan sedikit dolar. Akan tetapi mengapa kita harus bingung, jika kita ingin yang 100% gratis, kita bisa mencarinya di internet dan mendownloadnya. Kali ini saya menawarkan Versi Photoshop CS4 Portable. Kemudahannya adalah bisa kita bawa kemana- mana (save di hardisk/flashdisk), dapat langsung dibuka tanpa harus install terlebih dahulu. Juga kapasitas file yang lebih sedikit yaitu kira- kira hanya 64 Mb. Bagi yang belum punya segera miliki versi Photoshop CS4 Portable dengan Mendownloadnya pada Link di Bawah ini :
Download Adobe Photoshop cs4

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Foxit PDF Creator merupakan sebuah software yang kecil, cepat, serta sangat mudah dalam membuat PDF file. Software ini dapat mengubah segala jenis dokumen windows, diantaranya: DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, E-MAIL, bahkan juga HTML ke format PDF hanya dengan beberapa kali klik saja. Foxit PDF Creator merupakan salah satu software diantara banyak software yang membantu kita merubah beberapa format dokumen (yang tersebut di atas) ke PDF.

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Download Foxit PDF Creator

Gadis Perawan

Gadis Perawan. Food and Exercise Good For Pregnant Women
Proper diet and healthy can help improve the health of pregnant women and fetuses. Active sports (gymnastics pregnancy, morning walk or afternoon) during pregnancy will help a pregnant woman feel more easily through the period of 9 months of pregnancy and will help to expedite the process of childbirth later. Examples of some very good food consumed during pregnancy. Salmon and fish oil are very rich in Omega-3 that is needed by the growth of brain, eye and vision development in the fetus, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy. Chicken or turkey also contains plenty of protein but low in fat. Protein is needed for growth and development in the fetus and low fat to maintain body weight of pregnant wnita

Gadis Seksi Indonesia

Gadis Seksi Indonesia. How to choose the Right School For Your Child? Currently you are preparing to seek new school for your child? We recommend that you seek adequate reference before determining the right school for your child. You also have to act smart and careful in choosing a school. It's not my intention to justify a particular school bad or good, but just a reminder will target each of the parents towards education of their children. This is important given the choice of parents to be will determine the future of your child's future. Unlike at the time of determining the education level strata 1, a determination is dominated by the will of the child. At the elementary and secondary school level parental factors still play a significant role even more dominant. For that parents should have an understanding and careful consideration before choosing a school for their children.

Gadis Indonesia Bugil

Gadis Indonesia Bugil. Danger cavities. if you really like to eat, drink and snacks sweets? If so, then you should be able to withstand a bit of sweet flavor you want, because based on research, that sweet foods are the biggest factors that cause your teeth cavities. And you should know that teeth can cause many diseases belubang either mild to acute illness, even to cause death. when you eat sweet foods, the sugar content in foods that will stick to the teeth and clear crust will cause seed cavities (this happened within 2 minutes). So for you the enthusiast candy, chocolate, and all the sweet foods you should carefully read this article. Because believe it or not cavities have fatal consequences if we do not care.

Gadis Indonesia Seksi

Gadis Indonesia Seksi. Folic Acid Not Prevent Premature Birth. Classified as vitamin B folic acid that can dissolve in water. Lack of folic acid in women of childbearing age can cause the baby is born with neural tube defects and spinal cord. A study involving approximately 73,000 women in Norway found that folic acid consumption during pregnancy did not reduce the number of premature births as long as some people believed. Based on research conducted in 1996 to 2006 against the respondents who consume folic acid, it found 955 cases of spontaneous preterm birth.

Gadis Simpanan

Gadis Simpanan. Less Moving Causes of Death. Most of us live and work in an environment which is too busy and full of pressure. Therefore, most people choose to spend their free time to relax and rest, lie down in front of the television or change the sleep time that sabotaged the work. This inactive lifestyle in the long term fishing arrival of certain diseases. Physical inactivity is a term to identify people with regular physical activity level is low, or none at all. As a result of combustion energy is not more than 1.5 times the burning energy while resting. According to data from the Ministry of Health Health Research Association, currently 48.2 percent people aged over 10 years of lack of physical activity. In the world, according to WHO 60-80 percent of the adult population is physically active.


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